Customer guide lines
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Customer guide lines
  • Do not use harsh cleaning agents containing abrasives & use a soft sponge or wet cloth with soapy water, diluted vinegar to protect the color finish.
  • Clean the aerators provided in the items at regular intervals for a perfect foam flow of water from the fitting.
  • To ensure uninterrupted pressure of water, it is advisable to keep the pipeline straight with minimum number of bends, which will support smooth flow of water.
  • All the supply lines must have vent pipe, these vent pipes help in removing air - locking in the water supply to give a smooth flow of water.
  • Clean the overhead tank thoroughly to avoid deposition of foreign particals.
  • Prior to fixation the faucets, ensure to clean the pipe line thoroughly to flush all deposition of foreign particals otherwise it may damage the faucets.
  • Supply pipelines should be laid straight and vertical keeping the number of joints to aminimum-keeping the number of bends/elbows etc also a minimum possible to avoid restriction to flow of water.
  • Supply lines must have vent pipes for removing air-locking int the water supply lines so as to get smooth flow water through the fittings.
  • Flush all the pipe lines before starting installation of metal fitting so that dirt and foregin particals should not spoil the metal fittings.
  • All tilling work shouldbe fully completed before installing metal fitting.
  • To protect the finished taps and fitting from dirt, stains and other damages, cover them with Polypack/cloth after their installation till they put actual use.
  • Please buy Parkovic from authorised dealer only to ensure genuine quality material.
  • To retain the original shine & sparkle, Parkovic fittings needs a certain amount of care.
  • Don't use aggressive cleaning agents, since these may spoil the finish of your Parko fittings.
  • Don't use salt or vinegar based cleaning agents recommendedo remove scale or scale agents.Dilute vinegar recomended
  • Clean the Parkovic fitting with soap lather for chrome surfaces.